lundi 3 décembre 2012

Well that degraded quickly

Well, apparently I need to keep posting here in order to keep your respective interests. Who could have guessed?
You shut your British mouth.
Well, after a reasonably productive weekend off, I'm back on the radar, or the grid, or whatever we call it these days, AND BOY DO I HAVE TALES TO TELL.

Well, I'm sure I do somewhere. I... well, I spent a lot of the weekend in the library or thinking that I should be in the library.

Oh, wait. I forgot that I apparently am only capable of writing whilst in my pajamas. Since they're currently in the laundry, I'm afraid that I will have to give whatever NSA folks are monitoring my through my webcam (I just waved. Hi guys! How's the coffee?) a bit of a show. I apologize for the glare. You can't be as dazzling pale as I am without a bit of that going on.

Well, that was interesting. Wasn't that interesting, NSA folks? I'm sure it was.

Moving on.

No, we aren't going away just because Novemblog is done. I'm sure I'll do an all-out debriefing at some point, but that's a perfectly good post that I can save for later. Alas, my ADD is going crazy, and I've been rocking a headache most of the day.

Plus, you know, tests and such on testes and such. THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT.

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