jeudi 23 décembre 2010

Took me long enough

Hey everybody!

I know it only took me 3 months and a day to get to this point, but I've finally started a blog! For those of you who found this through Lord knows what means, let me tell you a bit about myself, in a handy bullet form (because nobody loves walls of texts)

-I'm Rob! Hopefully you'll figure that out from something like the signature at the end, but I'm not 100% on that yet. We'll find out, right?
-I went to Davidson College (go 'Cats) and majored in chemistry with a minor in French.
-I'm currently making wonderful use of that chemistry degree by working as an English language assistant in France. I'll actually be using it next year, most likely in an MD/PhD program.
-I tend to write long and rambling messages with lots of expletives. I think that the former would be appropriate for this, while the latter might offend some family that might end up reading it. We'll see what happens.

... There probably should be more that I can say about myself, but it's not coming to me off the top of my head. Oh! I teach in Orly and live in Combs-la-Ville. Yes, I could have gone back and added that as a bullet, but I'd rather not start copping out and editing my posts as I go. Hooray for stream of consciousness, yeah?

So, here's what I'm hoping to use this blog to do, with their labels in parentheses (okay that I went back and edited to say. Yay inconsistency?):

-Update people on my life and travels (General updates)
-Show food that I made and maybe get some recipes (Regalia)
-Vent against my landlady (Oh Bev)

More labels may arise as time goes by, but that seems like a first start until that point at which Sam starts playing. Also, that whole thing about rambling posts? Not a lie, and they tend to be peppered with references.

Anyway, I think that will do as a first post. I'm going to post again shortly with a better overview of what I've been up to and what the whole Oh Bev thing is all about.

Onwards and upwards!

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