mardi 26 novembre 2013

And Yet Another Half Measure

Well, yesterday, I got a whopping 17 page views! I'm assuming it's yesterday, as it's no longer today. (Okay, fine, I started this post tomorrow. So sue me. I have lawyer friends who say that they're just really great lawyers.) And, yes, I'm aware of the hour and its lateness, and I'm going to try to get as much done here as possible before I really start losing it.
I'd say we're past that, wouldn't you, Rob?

Of course, most of the reason that I'm running late is that, in a move worthy of a rousing speech by Emilio Estevez or Denzel Washington or whoever does sports movies these days, we are now Tuesday Night Trivia Champions on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving for three years running. We were down by nine points going into the final question, but with some bold wagering and some judicious use of thinking caps, we were able to tie for first. Then, following a heated game of rock paper scissors to decide who would get to answer the tiebreaker. With some canny choices in my throws, I defended our team's honor and brought home the bacon, which led to further drinking to squander our meager winnings in celebration.
Because, you know, WINNING.
Now, normally, I'd be trying to get to bed to get enough sleep to make it into the lab tomorrow morning. But tomorrow, as we all know (okay, fine, maybe not everybody. There are folks who don't keep up with American traditions abroad. I remember my Thanksgiving in France consisted of an larger than normal portion of spaghetti with some red wine. There may have been a Twix involved after much angst over whether or not to eat the Twix now or to hold off and keep my stock), tomorrow (today, dumbass) is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. That means driving and seeing family and having a grand old time.

Well, at least that's what I thought it meant. That is, after all, why I spent my Sunday in the lab working on getting things done so that I could leave bright and early tomorrow (today) with a clean conscience. After all, not much point in coming into the lab if there's nothing to actually do, right?

Hahahahah. HAHAHAHAHA. You don't seem to know my boss. Apparently, he expects people to at least make an appearance tomorrow, and I would prefer not to piss him off too much just yet. Normally, I would just do my work and do my best to deal with awful, awful traffic in the evening. Unfortunately, since I already finished the wet work I can do with the materials available, I'm pretty limited to doing computer work tomorrow, which the boss doesn't see as a good use of lab time.
All we need is Nately's Whore and we'll be ready for a nice summer invasion that will appropriately be happening in November.

Furthermore, due to circumstances, I was pretty much out of clean clothes, which meant I needed to do laundry. In itself, that's not too bad. I'm miserable about putting away my clean laundry, but it's a fact of life that just has to happen when there's enough time to do it. However, due to the schedule and trivia and the fact that my shirts need to hang dry, packing hasn't exactly started yet.
But the shirts look so nice! (When they're not absurdly wrinkled, which is their preferred state due to the second law of thermodynamics and Rob's dislike of using an iron.)
So yeah. Between all that and my lack of bourbon (because, geez, I don't need another drink. Thanksgiving is going to have enough wine for my liver without me front loading it), this post will have to end here so I can get some sleep and be able to give you more and better blog posts over the next few days. Okay, fine, so I an give you more blog posts over the next few days.
Pulp Fiction THumbs Up
"You know what they call a quitter in Paris?"

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