vendredi 22 novembre 2013

It's 11:59 PM. STILL COUNTS AS TODAY, AMERICA. And now it's 12:01 AM tomorrow. That's right. I'm coming to you from the future which is now the past. How's THAT for mind-blowing, America?

Pretty mind-blowing, I know. I'd put up a Scanners gif, but that seems like it would just be too derivative and mainstream (because if there's one word that describes David Cronenberg movies from the eighties, it's mainstream).


Oh, okay, I guess we're not getting an image on that, because Rob is "sick." What, did somebody leave milk in the fridge that was one day past its expiration? Did someone not sterilize your peanut butter and jelly? Did a little bird start violently coughing and then give you some sort of avian super virus? Well boo freaking hoo, Rob. You'd better write this blog.

Oh no. No no no no no. (Again with the nos. What the hell, brah?) I've spent the last two nights being up absurdly late. It's the weekend. I did over two thousand words last night. I am reasonably sure that I've been routinely breaking the eighteen hundred word mark, but hey, maybe I haven't. That doesn't change the fact that I need to rest the fuck up so I can work in the lab, get better, and deal with Joseph again. That's going to be just great. Just super fun. But for now, my girlfriend and my parents are the order of the weekend (as is congratulating Zelda's inimitably funny boyfriend Lone Star on his comic successes this evening). This blog is important and wonderful, but I need to sleep tonight.

But first, I'ma watch some South Park.
More specifically, I'm going to watch the inimitable Season 6, Episode 3: Asspen. You know, the one with the time shares and the skiing and saving the local youth rec center from the evil industrialists or whatever the hilariously parodied eighties movie plot was.
No, that's waaaay too mainstream. You should read these books. They'll open your mind. Well, not literally, because then we'd have this picture IN REAL LIFE.
But, more importantly, we learned the important lessons of skiing. Namely, if you do certain things, you're gonna have a bad time.
Wisdom of the ages, right there.

All right, I'm going to go pay attention to people and will try to make up for the word deficit tomorrow at some point, possibly while in the lab when I should be working on a take home test or other assignments.

Thank you, and good night.

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