mercredi 27 novembre 2013

There's really no good option here. I'm on my laptop, which isn't that bad on its own, but I"m in the one room in which it has a maddening tendency to overheat and do a hard shut down. This is why we can't have nice things.

It has already begun. I popped over to Facebook to see how things were going, because I'm an addict and I make excuses like that.
"I will offer you sexual favors for likes." Aw, man, I can't even be a crackhead right.

That's around when Facebook started to go really slowly and things started to freeze up. Part of that is that the computer has been through a lot. Namely, it went through France, which meant the voltage converters. See, for those of you who haven't been elsewhere, plugs are different. Not only is the shape different, but the voltage can be different. As a result, you need adapters to handle them. I got a couple of snazzy universal adapters that handle United Kingdom, United States, and European Union plugs. That alone is pretty amazing. Then, they also can change the voltage between the US setting and the European settings. Even better- don't want to blow out my electronics, right?

Well, I really only brought my computer. Fine, I brought an iPod, too, but that plugs through my USB. And a camera, which did need an actual plug, but only once every few months. Oh, and look up at the crackhead again. No particular reason- just keeping things fun and light here, because if there's one thing that's fun and light, it's crackheads. Wacky fun!

Anyway, my laptop has a nice metallic edge to it, likely to help with durability or something. Or maybe it's just to make it look nice. Who knows? Regardless of the reasons for it, the metal lining got a bit dinged while I was moving around constantly when I had just gotten to France. There's one particular spot right on the front where my left wrist would hang out if I were writing atop a table. You know, like if I were writing at a desk.
"It was the best (if you can really call it that) of times (but also the worst of times (because, see, the times are going quite differently in the two cities to which I'm referring), and that's terrible)."

Well, hey, what do you know? My laptop tended to live at a desk while I was in France. Why, those two thoughts can't really have anything to do with each other at all, right? The thing is, that snazzy adapter? I probably didn't need it affecting the voltage, since (supposedly) my computer charger is able to handle both the European and American voltage systems. It would still need the change in plugs, but the voltage change never needed to happen.

This would probably explain the strange buzzing sound whenever I plugged in my computer.
(Rob, throwing out the Wicker Man quotes and keeping things current. It IS 2006, right?)

Anyway, there was a funny buzzing sound by my computer. I also started to realize that it hurt a little bit for me to rest my wrists on the table and let them be supported by the computer for any prolonged period of time.

So, yeah, my computer was trying to start the machine uprising by electrocuting me. Silly computer. You can't start a machine uprising. You don't have legs or arms. You just have an incriminating Internet histor-

Okay, you win this round, computer.

Anyway, yes. It's Thanksgiving weekend. I got out of the lab and everything. Incredible. There will be food and wine and bourbon. Well, I say "will be." There already has been. Incredible. Maybe if I say, "Incredible," again, you'll get my point. Incredible.

Unfortunately, Novemblog ends over the Thanksgiving period. Normally, this wouldn't be a bad thing. It happened last year, and I made the word count happen in a manner most fitting of a casual blog writer. You know, with things going off the rail into Creepy Town, Population: This Blog Last November 30th. The thing is, Novemblog didn't end over Thanksgiving last year. I had a couple of shorter than normal posts, but I made up for it with one last post that was like an action movie where the cunning yet honorable jewel thief gets blackmailed into one. Last. Score. And then the gendarmes are after him in their little cars, and he's in a little car because it's Europe (as that's what you do if you're a jewel thief in Europe), and there are many shots of many small cars going down many small alleyways in the pursuit of the many little jewels that he stole on his one. Last. Score.

No, you don't get a picture for that one because a.) there are enough movies like that for you to just go onto Youtube or Netflix or cable or whatever witchcraft you use to watch things, and b.) I haven't seen many of these movies (except for Ocean's 11 on repeat whenever it airs on TNT for three days at a time, because that's how many days you need to properly showcase Brad Pitt's suits).
"Goddammit, that creepy blogger is watching me again. I cannot go while he is watching."

Anyway, no. Last year worked because I was able to make up for word counts over the last few days. See, I don't exactly have reliable internet at the Thanksgiving venue, which means that I don't exactly have the means to check my word count, much less write quality blog posts (unless posts from my phone count, which they totally do not. Okay, fine, they do for the word count, but they don't out of some degree of principle that is not sufficient for me to exclude them from the almighty word count).

If we're lucky, I'll find some time to space things out and write posts that aren't about writing posts, because those are the worst. Who actually writes things like that?
Probably a total hypocrite.

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