lundi 11 mars 2013

The old hurdy gurdy

Yeah, yeah, I know. Late. Once again. I'd say that I know I owe you better, but that calls into question of whether or not an artist owes his/her audience, which in turn calls into question the idea of whether or not I'm anything resembling an artist and whether or not all threeve of you (a whole threeve!) constitutes an audience.
Dig it, you crazy cats.

But hey, Davidson is playing CofC, and I'm done studying for the night, regardless of whether or not I should be. Neither of these things are particularly connected, what with not having cable and having no desire to try to jinx things by turning on the game on my computer or some such.

And no, tonight isn't the night for a Mr. MUSC recap. It's unfortunate, but I doubt I have the time or inclination to take care of that business tonight. And a bloody business it is. (Is Rob being literal or not? The answer may surprise you!)
There's an obvious caption with this one. I'll leave you to find it. Scavenger hunt!
Also, bangarang, C of C.
Bangarang indeed.
Mmm carrot. Keeping me that wonderful shade of sallow yellow. Sun's overrated, especially when there's board studying to do (not that there's been much of that going around, times being what they are). But oh, the day will come. And when it does, I will play around on Facebook until I remember that, hey, I only have a few weeks left until I pull the trigger, and maybe I should figure out where I'm pointing the gun and maybe learn some proper gun safety so I don't shoot myself in the foot with it.

Yeah, a little overboard, but the metaphor stands. And yet I continue to not study. Truly, I am a giant among men.

See, now I just keep getting distracted by the bangarang face. It's... haunting. Of course, the TV doesn't help either. And now it's late enough that I'm having doubts that I'll be able to come up with a topic. But hey, maybe I've left you with some food for thought. And a bangarang face.

Fine, I just left you with a bangarang face.
In fact, I left you with two.

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