lundi 14 janvier 2013

Power. Wisdom. Courage.

Yes, yes, I'm late. Sorry about that. Things got out of hand last night,  by which I mean I just didn't get home until late and had forgotten about it by that time (I had remembered earlier in the day and had been thinking about what I could write about. More on that later).

And by later, I mean now. Yeah. Once again, I've got nothing. Tell 'em, Ed.
He ain't got nuffin.

Strong work. Tell 'em, Batman.
Well, okay. You don't have to be rude about it.

My computer monitor is wobbling like Michael J. Fox right now. Too soon? Too soon. Also, I apparently type too hard, or, you know, more likely, the desk is just a crappy white plastic table. But it serves its purpose of holding up a computer monitor, random pairs of eyeglasses, and a bag of Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips.
Almost as good as Cheez-Its, which is like saying that Watson was almost as smart as Holmes. Or Franklin. This all depends on the Watson to which we're referring. The drug addicted one with questionable morality or the fictional character. NERD BURN.

However, speaking of fictional heroes, remember my post a few months back about how nobody wants to write non-edgy characters anymore? Of course you do, because you probably just clicked on the link to see that great picture of Neil Gaiman, because that man is amazing.

I've... I've got something in my eye.

Well, feast your eyes on this article from Cracked. Well, specifically number 2. I feel vaguely validated, even though there's no link to my blog in it (and why should there be? It's not like there was any thievery or any such, and it's not like there's enough exposure here to make him aware of this blog's presence.), because he works with the exact same premise.

I have reasonable hopes for the new Superman movie. I enjoyed 300, propaganda and all (since, you know, THAT'S WHAT IT IS IN UNIVERSE), and Watchmen grew on me. He can make a faithful and filmable comic book adaptation. But, as the article points out, it's going to go all origin story on us, and it's going to try to turn Superman into Batman.
Sorry, "The Goddamn Batman."

I haven't read much Superman over the last... ever, but there is one story that stands out, which, coincidentally, is the story from which Jor El's monologue in the trailer is taken. (Yes, they've already made an animated version, but I can still hope.) It doesn't deal with any origin stories, and, yes, there's a bit of grittiness, because Superman starts to die. And, hey, maybe that's the only way to portray Good characters these days. They have to die because they're too good for this sinful earth (or because it's hard to keep them Good without losing people's interest or making them sound moralizing or any of the other numerous faults volleyed at such characters), and in so doing, they get to show how Good they are, hopefully without becoming a Mary Sue.

Okay, maybe he's not THAT good.

1 commentaire:

  1. And (in the Cracked article) not a single reference, much less homage, to Jeremiah?!?! Everyman beset by evils of society chucks it all, chooses an environment to which he's unsuited yet prevails after many lessons learned hard (or wet, or furry) ways, finally invests in another human relationship only to have it go all wrong, and so forth. I suppose they never made another, since there was no way to top the first, but the genre is more and more relevant as society is more and more anti-real-humanity. Sigh.
