dimanche 6 janvier 2013

Welcome to the FUTURE

Well, it's been a while. There are good reasons for this. Okay, maybe they're not good, and I'm sure they're not GREAT, but they're reasons.
And what are we without reason, So-crates?
Neil Patrick Harris is wearing overalls. No, I am not retracting this statement. That would be silly.

Anyhoo, yes, it's been a while. I've been in the middle of study week, testing, drinking after said test (because it was just awful), generally being exhausted, going to the lab, going home, making delicious chocolate mousse with far too many steps consolidated into one (seriously, Martha Stewart. One step should be, "Whisk egg yolks until frothy and pale," and NOT, "Whisk eggs while heating a corn starch, water, and sugar mix and also by the way melting some chocolate and then mix it all together and pour it into ramequins." Polysyndeton belongs in a 3 year-old's wish list to Santa, not in recipes), coming back to the lab, and also playing some trivia and such.

Still delicious, and decadent as FUCK. Some of you might find that inappropriate. You obviously didn't have the mousse.
There are a few things I would like to post about at some point. Tonight is not that night. One day, you might hear about the worst ways to break up with someone, the best and worst Christmas Eve services ever imagined, some chili, more cooking stuff, and probably a few more iNstaNces of Rob goiNg absolutely batshit iNsaNe.

However, rather than do all that, I figured I'd go back to my roots a bit.

See, for those of you who have been here since the beginning (or have trawled your way through the old entries) will remember that this was really started for a New Year's Resolution about baking (and sure, also traveling and enjoying life more). Well, I did make some New Year's Resolutions this year (and for some ungodly reason continue to capitalize "resolution"). None of them are about cooking this time, mostly because I don't know that I'll have time to keep up with it. I mean, I didn't manage to keep up with the "Bake something new once every two weeks" thing of 2011 once I got to Charleston. There's no way I'd keep up with things with BOARDS.

However, I find it prudent to give y'all some sort of idea of what's going to happen in 2013.

1.  I'm going to make it to the gym 3 times during the week and once during the weekend. So far, so good.

2. I'm going to post here at least once a week. It may very well be on Sunday nights after I should have gone to bed, but it'll happen.

3. I dunno. Spanish? Sure. Spanish.

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