jeudi 7 avril 2011


Okay, I'm not REALLY doing 5 posts, unless I hit one ridiculously good flow. Seeing how I tend to burn out after one real post, I have a feeling that these things won't happen. Oh crap. I was GOING to pause my iPod, but Storming The Burning Fields just came on, and I can't just pause Dragonforce- their keytarist might come after me (seriously, their synth guy comes out with a keytar sometimes during concerts).

Anyhoo, it's day 5 (of a theoretical 7), and I've actually kept up! This calls for a celebration! So I think I'll call my purchase of Nutella a few days ago a celebratory one. On that note, I actually thought I was allergic to Nutella when I first bought this thing (which would have been inconvenient). See, I bought the thing, and soon after I started getting a sore throat, so I was thinking that I might have developped a mild nut allergy, which could of course get worse, and heaven forbid if I start needing an epi shot every time I have a PB&J (note to the home readers: I put a mad amount of PB on a PB&J, and I tend to eat them rather frequently. Also apparently Dragonfroce solos are good for me typing quickly. Good to know. Additionally additionally, I brought up this me manqueing (FRANGLISH LOOK IT UP) of PB in the teachers' lounge Tuesday, and they told me that there is PB in France. They don't recall that it generally is crunchy and comes in iiiiiiitty bitty jars that do not cut it for a manly man like me what cuts things finely, eats Yorkie Bars, smokes with cigarettes, and don't take no guff. And THAT is what I call a parenthetical.). Thankfully, it seems it was just a cold, given the mucus, and due to the warm (80s brah) weather and my propensity towards layers since the winter, I've been sweating this monster off rather well so far.

Of course, after that long post, I should make a real post, shouldn't I? I suppose I should. We'll see what it ends up being. And sure, I'll give a picture. Have a cartoon of my heritage what was in the Edinburgh hostel.

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