vendredi 8 avril 2011


Well, guess who just got home?

That's right, this guy. Thankfully I was able to catch the RER (though not those kids running through those fields- I'm such a phony), but I still had to make the 20 to 30 minute walk to get back here. I'm quite tired, having helped a friend move across town today and then having spent some time museuming it up. Including watching a really disturbing movie about how Jewish people should move to Poland. Good, but seriously disturbing. Of course, there was also the duster thing on the pole that you could make jump up and down, and that was good for a smile.

Anyhoo, I'm running on some mad fumes and a couple of spoonfuls of Nutella (which I should really cut down on, because I'm like halfway through this jar already). So let's find something to talk about for a real post before I crash out for a while.

Seriously, crash out for a while?

Like I said, MAD FUMES.

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