samedi 9 avril 2011


Today was the first time in a while where I just lazed in Combs all day. It was really quite worth it. I got some sun, baked some cookies, and just relaxed for a while. It certainly helped that Bev wasn't around so I didn't feel like I was getting judged for every little thing I was doing (regardless of whether or not she actually DOES judge me for that sort of thing). I should probably have done something somewhat productive, but I'm fine with spending the day as I did. The reward of chocolate cookies was well worth it, and I have enough eggs to make it through the next couple of days on omelettes. Not the healthiest thing ever, but it's cheap and effective without creating absurd amounts of leftovers to go bad while I'm out for break.

Good Lord am I tired. Thankfully I'll just be doing a Regalia for my proper post to keep from being up TOO terribly late (unless I decide to watch a movie or some such). Anyhoo, since I SHOULD look some stuff up to appease my parents regarding a car (thinking a mid-size SUV like a RAV4, but I recognize the advantages of a sedan as well), I might as well try to do this quickly so I can move to more productive climes.

And to send you guys out, have a picture of an amusing (mis-)translation.

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