jeudi 1 novembre 2012

Novemblog: It begins

Yep. This is happening.

So, the deal is that, as many of you are aware, I like to use parentheses. I haven't used one yet. This is clearly an injustice that must be remedied, but not yet (I guess now is fine though).

As many more than read this blog are likely aware, November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. I would not and should not write a novel at this point in my life, because, man, med school. It's just a lot of work. HOWEVER. The word quoto (which should be quota, and I suppose that I could correct my spelling on that if I really wanted to go back and handle it, but really? You can't deal with my human imperfections? What does that say about YOU, dear reader? Holding people to a higher standard than you hold yourself? Or are you just a perfect speller and always have been? Little Hermione Granger out there, correcting my spelling mistakes. It's a blog, there are few rules (though there are some, I'm sure). And while we're on the note of Hermione, did anyone else ever wonder how she did in Muggle school? I mean, she clearly was a rock star at Hogwarts academics, but as she says, wizards aren't particularly good at Muggle subjects like math and science. She clearly applied herself a lot, but that may have just been an acquired inferiority complex developed from 5-6 years in Muggle schools. Meanwhile, she's gaining a Muggle perspective on logic, math, and science, and is therefore able to do well at Hogwarts simply because she has a different perspective and the drive to succeed cultivated by her previous ostracization (IT GETS TO BE A WORD TONIGHT, DAMN YOU) during her formative elementary school years.) is something around 50,000 words. That is, clearly, a lot of words, and I haven't even remotely hit that in my blog posts now or ever. However, over the course of 30 days, I believe that it comes to 1,667 words per day, or about 70 words per hour, or about 1 word per minute. And man, I can type WAY more than one word per minute (thank you, Mario Teaches Typing, for providing me with a means of looking at people type while they played a video game, because I didn't have a Nintendo growing up and it was therefore the only way I could experience the Mario mystique. More importantly, thank you AIM, Facebook, Quesadilla Night, and Skype for providing me with outlets that forced me to be able to type reasonably quickly, even if I'm no Donna Noble. Yeah, my references, although esoteric, are rather obvious tonight, as opposed to previous comments I've made about blah blah if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him blah blah.). I mean, I can type my parentheticals in under an hour, which is probably pretty solid.

But, as always, I digress.

I clearly haven't done a good job of updating this blog over the past ever. I want to change that this month. My goal is to reach 50,000 words in this blog in 30 days, with hopefully daily updates. I would have started this post earlier, but I had class, Taco Bell, a hangover, a hangover nap, a haircut, and laundry to take care of before I could do such things. And now I'm rushing to get enough words in, and I don't even know how many I've got or if the blogspot has a word count function. Yeah, I suppose Blogspot should have been capitalized the first time, but again, Hermione Granger, why don't you go back to Muggle School and be the star of some British version of She's All That where you realize that you were beautiful all along despite your nerdy loner artistic ways, because you're just, like, so alternative. Man, I am just hating on Hermione tonight, and undeservedly so. She's really not that bad, I'm sure.

By now, maybe you've gotten an idea of what this month is going to be like? And then my page views slump to lower than they are now, which I don't know to even be possible (yes it is).
See what I mean?

Speaking of, yes, I was that guy for Halloween. Once people got what I was going for, they seemed to enjoy it.  But yes, another digression, and there will hopefully be more about Halloween in another post, perhaps tomorrow (or perhaps later).

So yes. This will probably continue to be me just rambling into this thing in a manner that many will find unnecessary and annoying, and Blogger just tried to spellcheck a part of a word, which is a newfound source of rage for me. I thought I had tapped them out. Nope. Not even a little bit. And now my laundry is done (it's the whites, ladies. And you know what that means. That's right- it's the socks. And you know when I'm down to my socks what time it is. It's time for business. It's business time. IT'S BUSINESS- IT'S BUSINESS TIIIIME.), but I'm not going to get it out of the dryer yet BECAUSE I'M A REBEL, THAT'S WHY.

I really have no idea how many words I've typed (or not typed. Well, I suppose I have an idea of the words I haven't typed, because it's likely infinite, though I'm sure someone stronger at math than I am (i.e., NOT HERMIONE GRANGER) could make some sort of G"- gosh dang it, why won't you stay as U.S. International- Gödel argument about being able to solve such a thing, which is clearly possible, as indicated by Mr. Tsoukalos above.), but maybe I'll bring this to a general close with an idea of the things to come.

Yeah, this clearly isn't 1,667 words. But I need to be up tomorrow to present a poster on my research, which is pretty awesome guys, because man. Science. How does it work? Sorry, that's magnets.

Anyway, things I hope to discuss on THIS VERY FORUM in the next 29 days (since it's past midnight and man, I'm nowhere near one thousand six hundred and sixty-seven words, but if I keep typing things out longhand, I might be able to come close) include (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO):

Maybe something about what I've learned in med school (but you know, all wacky, like most of my blog posts. They are wacky fun, right? Or would you describe them with another adjective? If so, which adjective and good Lord I need to do evals for the last block, but that will have to wait until tomorrow because at this rate I'm not going to get the good night's sleep that I need to rock this poster presentation tomorrow gaaaaaaaaaaah and gaaaaaaaaaah is only one word and I don't know if I added enough a's on the second one, and now I've taken to polysyndeton without the proper comma usage to denote separated independent clauses grammatical gaaaaaaaah).

Perhaps something about my journey to the Balkans a couple of springs ago (because that's still so fresh in my mind and all).

Why not a few recipes to pass the time (though they probably won't be original, and I don't even know what's up with my camera these days, since I'm no longer keeping it in my pocket like I did in France, mainly because why would I carry around a camera in Charleston? That's for tourists, yo.)?

And possibly some other various subjects and things along those lines, though I may just run out of things to say by Day 30. Yep. This could get hairy. Like my chest, and soon to be my back. Such is the curse (more of a blessing, really) of the Brown/Cameron/What have you genes- we're like timberwolves, and we will totes mcgotes cut you like one would cut you. Except more likely with tools than with claws or teeth, because we're more refined than that. There are rules after all. Hermione Granger probably knows each one, what with having to stay late after Muggle school and copy them repeatedly onto chalkboards.

I mean, come on. It's Hermione Granger.

Yeah, I was about to put a picture of Hermione there, but that seems like a lot of work, and I really should get some sleep, because now my wrists are starting to hurt a little bit (but no parathesia or other business, so hopefully it's not the carpal tunnel syndrome, because that would be the worst thing ever right now. Okay, maybe not the worst, but it would certainly not be good, agreed? Agreed. Thank heavens we agree on this. Are you sassing me? Oh, I wouldn't DREAM of doing that. You're doing it again! I saw those capital letters. Malarkey. Baloney. Phooey. So's you're old man!), and I really should get some sleep.

Isn't it grand?

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